Install mongoid gem
gem install mopedgem install mongoid
Generating a new rails app
rails new rails3-mongoid-devise -m -T -Oand you will be asked which one you want to generate as a template project
question Install an example application?
1) I want to build my own application
2) membership/subscription/saas
3) rails-prelaunch-signup
4) rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan
5) rails3-devise-rspec-cucumber
6) rails3-mongoid-devise
7) rails3-mongoid-omniauth
8) rails3-subdomains
Choose rails3-mongoid-devise as preferred environment
The application generator template will ask you for additional preferences:
question Web server for development?
1) WEBrick (default)
2) Thin
3) Unicorn
4) Puma
question Web server for production?
1) Same as development
2) Thin
3) Unicorn
4) Puma
question Template engine?
1) ERB
2) Haml
3) Slim
extras Set a robots.txt file to ban spiders? (y/n)
extras Use or create a project-specific rvm gemset? (y/n)
extras Create a GitHub repository? (y/n)
Configure Devise
You can modify the configuration file for Devise if you want to use something other than the defaults:
Configuration File
The application uses the figaro gem to set environment variables. Credentials for your administrator account and email account are set in the config/application.yml file. The .gitignore file prevents the config/application.yml file from being saved in the git repository so your credentials are kept private. See the article Rails Environment Variables for more information.
Modify the file config/application.yml:
# Add account credentials and API keys here.
# See
# This file should be listed in .gitignore to keep your settings secret!
# Each entry sets a local environment variable and overrides ENV variables in the Unix shell.
# For example, setting:
# GMAIL_USERNAME: Your_Gmail_Username
# makes 'Your_Gmail_Username' available as ENV["GMAIL_USERNAME"]
# Add application configuration variables here, as shown below.
ADMIN_NAME: First User
If you are planning to customize the application to send email using a Gmail account, you can add the user name and password needed for the application to send email. See the article Send Email with Rails.
If you wish, set your name, email address, and password for the first user’s account. If you prefer, you can use the default to sign in to the application and edit the account after deployment. It is always a good idea to change the password after the application is deployed.
All configuration values in the config/application.yml file are available anywhere in the application as environment variables. For example, ENV["GMAIL_USERNAME"] will return the string “Your_Username”.
If you prefer, you can delete the config/application.yml file and set each value as an environment variable in the Unix shell.
Set Up a Database Seed File
The db/seeds.rb file initializes the database with default values. To keep some data private, and consolidate configuration settings in a single location, we use the config/application.yml file to set environment variables and then use the environment variables in the db/seeds.rb file.
user = User.create! :name => ENV['ADMIN_NAME'].dup, :email => ENV['ADMIN_EMAIL'].dup, :password => ENV['ADMIN_PASSWORD'].dup, :password_confirmation => ENV['ADMIN_PASSWORD'].dup
puts 'user: ' <<
Set the Database
Prepare the database and add the default user to the database by running the commands:
$ rake db:seed
Use rake db:reseed if you want to empty and reseed the database. Or you can use rake db:drop and rake db:setup. The equivalent task for Rails with ActiveRecord is rake db:reset which will be available in Mongoid 4.0.
Set the database for running tests:
$ rake db:test:prepare
If you’re not using rvm, the Ruby Version Manager, you should preface each rake command with bundle exec. You don’t need to use bundle exec if you are using rvm version 1.11.0 or newer.
Change your Application’s Secret Token
If you’ve used the Rails Composer tool to generate the application, the application’s secret token will be unique, just as with any Rails application generated with the rails new command.
However, if you’ve cloned the application directly from GitHub, it is crucial that you change the application’s secret token before deploying your application in production mode. Otherwise, people could change their session information, and potentially access your site without your permission. Your secret token should be at least 30 characters long and completely random.
Get a unique secret token:
rake secret
Edit your config/initializers/secret_token.rb file to add the secret token:
Rails3MongoidDevise::Application.config.secret_token = '...some really long, random string...'
Test the App
You can check that your app runs properly by entering the command
$ rails server
To see your application in action, open a browser window and navigate to http://localhost:3000/. You should see the default user listed on the home page. When you click on the user’s name, you should be required to log in before seeing the user’s detail page.
To sign in as the default user, (unless you’ve changed it) use
password: changeme
You should delete or change the pre-configured logins before you deploy your application.
If you test the app by starting the web server and then leave the server running while you install new gems, you’ll have to restart the server to see any changes. The same is true for changes to configuration files in the config folder. This can be confusing to new Rails developers because you can change files in the app folders without restarting the server. Stop the server each time after testing and you will avoid this issue.